Overview Selenium belongs to the group of trace elements and must therefore be absorbed through food since the body cannot produce it itself. It is...
Mineralstoffe sind essentielle Nährstoffe, die für den menschlichen Körper lebenswichtig sind. Sie spielen eine Vielzahl von wichtigen Rollen in verschiedenen physiologischen Prozessen. Mineralstoffe müssen regelmäßig über die Nahrung aufgenommen werden, da der Körper sie nicht selbst produzieren kann. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung, die reich an mineralstoffreichen Lebensmitteln wie Obst, Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten, Nüssen und Samen ist, ist wichtig, um den Bedarf an Mineralstoffen zu decken und eine optimale Gesundheit zu unterstützen. Bei Bedarf können auch Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Absprache mit einem Arzt eingenommen werden.
Overview Selenium belongs to the group of trace elements and must therefore be absorbed through food since the body cannot produce it itself. It is...
Origin & History Molybdenum belongs to the group of trace elements and must therefore be absorbed through food since the body cannot produce it...
Overview: Chromium belongs to the group of trace elements and must therefore be absorbed through food since the body cannot produce it itself...
Potassium Potassium is an essential bulk element* for humans. Almost all of the potassium in the body is found within the cells (98%), primarily i...
Calcium (calcium) belongs to the group of bulk elements, which means that it occurs in relatively high concentrations in the human body. The body...
Magnesium is one of the essential minerals. Everyone needs magnesium to maintain their performance and for the smooth "functioning" of their body...
Iron is one of the essential, i.e. vital nutrients. It is required for blood formation and oxygen transport. The human body contains around 2.5g to...
After iron and zinc, copper is the third most common trace element in our body. The human body contains around 80-100 mg of copper(1). It is one ...
Manganese is a minerals, which is one of the so-called essential trace elements. Essential trace elements are vital and must be supplied to the b...
Zinc is one of the vital (essential) trace elements, which means that the body cannot produce zinc itself. There are around 2 g of zinc in the b...
Mineralstoffe und ihre Vorteile
Mineralstoffe haben verschiedene potenzielle gesundheitliche Vorteile für den menschlichen Körper: