To eat healthy food

Because what we eat has a huge impact on our health.


Even a daily walk in the forest helps to stimulate digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Restful sleep

Healthy sleep is crucial to our overall well-being.
  • Nussbares für deine Gesundheit

    Nuts for your health

    Crunchy, nutritious, full of enjoyment – ​​and yet nuts still have a bad reputation.   This is mainly due to the high calorie content of most nu...

    byAgil Nature
  • Bessere Nachtruhe

    Better night's sleep

    Better night's sleep: expert tips for optimal sleep     Sleep is an essential part of human health and well-being. It plays a crucial rol...

    byAgil Nature
  • Vitamin C und Zink: Eine sinnvolle Kombination

    Vitamin C and zinc: A sensible combination

    Vitamin C and zinc are two essential nutrients found in many foods and are important for a variety of body functions. In recent years, combining th...

    byAgil Nature
  • Gesundheit optimieren durch kluges Timing

    Optimizing health through clever timing

    The Science of Timing Nutritional Supplements: Maximizing Health Through Smart Timing     Dietary supplements are a mainstay of a healthy...

    byAgil Nature
  • Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis

    Hashimoto's thyroiditis

    Hashimoto's thyroiditis: A comprehensive look at the autoimmune disease and its impact on vitamin and mineral deficiencies     Hashimoto'...

    byAgil Nature1 comment
  • Magnesium in der Schwangerschaft - 5 Tipps AgilNature

    Magnesium during pregnancy

    The 5 best tips - Magnesium for pregnant women Magnesium is involved in numerous processes in our body and is therefore indispensable for each o...

    byAgil Nature
  • Ätherische Öle

    Essential Oils

    Essential oils can sterilize air The study by the University of Vienna dealt with essential oils in general, the possibilities of room sce...

    byAgil Nature
  • Fohlsäure & B12 AgilNature

    Foal acid & B12

    Folic acid and B12 for improved brain function Scientists found that long-term supplementation of folic acid and vitamin B12 can improve b...

    byAgil Nature
  • Magnesium AgilNature


    Magnesium can reduce stroke risk   Increasing your daily magnesium intake may reduce your risk of stroke, a new meta-analysis from Sweden ...

    byAgil Nature
  • Probiotika AgilNature


    Probiotics boost the immune system of smokers Smokers are prone to respiratory diseases. This is due, among other things, to an altered ac...

    byAgil Nature
  • Vitamin D-Mangel

    Vitamin D deficiency

    Vitamin D deficiency accelerates muscle fatigue For the first time, a possible explanation has been found for the fact that people with lo...

    byAgil Nature
  • Magnesium für Sportler

    Magnesium for athletes

    The 5 best tips - magnesium for hobby and recreational athletes: To begin with, an exciting question for you: Do you ever take a magnesium table...

    byAgil Nature
  • Detox AgilNature


    Time to Detox - Feeling good   Since ancient times, various measures have been carried out with the aim of internal cleansing of the body....

    byAgil Nature
  • Abnehmen ohne JoJo-Effekt

    Lose weight without the yo-yo effect

    Lose weight without the yo-yo effect 3 tips on how to successfully prevent the yo-yo effect Have you ever been on a diet and then found out that yo...

    byAgil Nature