
RelaxAgil tag

Your double strength against stressful times

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BioSeries™ Technology

Unterstützung der normalen Funktion des Nervensystems

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Inhalt: 90 Kapseln - 0,27€ pro Kapsel


Dauer: 3 Monats-Ration




Recycle ・ Reuse ・ Reduce: Unsere Aluminiumdosen schonen Ressourcen: Sie sind leicht, zu 100% recycelbar und tragen zur Reduktion von Energieverbrauch und CO2-Emissionen bei der Produktion bei.

RelaxAgil tag
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1. Extramel® Cantaloupe melon extract

Extramel® is a high-quality, patented extract from cantaloupe melon that is particularly rich in superoxide dismutase (SOD) - a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from oxidative stress. Thanks to its high bioavailability, it supports cell health, regeneration and stress resistance . This natural raw material helps to strengthen the body's own defenses and promote general well-being.

2. Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea, also known as rose root, is a well-known adaptogen that – similar to the popular Ashwagandha – helps the body to deal better with stress. In RelaxAgil Day, this valuable plant extract unfolds its special effect by helping to balance mental and physical stress . Rhodiola rosea helps to promote stress resistance, concentration and energy without making you tired. Perfect for challenging days when calmness and performance are required!

3. BioPerine® - High bioavailability

BioPerine® is a patented black pepper extract with a high piperine content that improves the bioavailability of numerous nutrients. It can significantly increase the absorption of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts in the body, allowing them to have the best possible effect. BioPerine® also supports digestion and metabolism , making it a valuable component of high-quality nutritional supplements. A small but powerful raw material for maximum efficiency!

4. Recyclable aluminum cans | Reduce・Reuse・Recycle

We package our nutritional supplements in
high-quality aluminum cans, because aluminum conserves natural resources. It is not only particularly light, but also up to 100% recyclable & reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions in packaging production. We have taken care to use the smallest possible
can size to avoid unnecessary material waste. This
is also filled to the brim.


  • Cantaloupe melon

    A variant of the sugar mole, the cantaloupe is best known for its orange flesh. But the cantaloupe not only tastes particularly good in summer, it also contains valuable nutrients such as magnesium, calcium and vitamin C.
  • Rhodiola rosea

    Rhodiola rosea is the Latin name for roseroot. Numerous positive effects are attributed to this beautiful-looking plant, which have not yet been scientifically proven. But that doesn't mean we can't take advantage of these qualities.
  • Vitamin B1

    Vitamin B1 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological function. Vitamin B1 also supports normal energy metabolism and normal heart function.
  • Vitamin B2

    Vitamin B2 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin B2 also supports normal energy metabolism and the maintenance of normal skin and normal vision. Vitamin B2 helps reduce tiredness and fatigue.
  • Vitamin B12

    Vitamin B12 contributes to a normal energy-yielding metabolism and supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal mental function. Like iron, vitamin B12 supports the normal formation of red blood cells and the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin B12 contributes to the reduction of tiredness and exhaustion.
  • Lemongrass

    Lemongrass belongs to the grass family. Lemongrass has a special smell and taste, which makes it a perfect component for teas. But lemongrass also contains a lot of vitamin C and some B vitamins as well as the minerals magnesium, zinc and calcium, which is why we also use it in our dietary supplements.
  • Iron

    Iron contributes to normal cognitive function, normal energy-yielding metabolism and normal functioning of the immune system. Iron also supports the normal formation of red blood cells and normal oxygen transport in the body. Iron contributes to the reduction of tiredness and exhaustion.
  • Black Pepper Extract

    Everyone has black pepper in their kitchen. However, the spicy-tasting spice can do more than just refine your dishes. RelaxAgil tag contains BioPerine® , a valuable black pepper extract that ensures high bioavailability. Because what is decisive is what the body can absorb and not just what is fed to it.


Do you have any questions about RelaxAgil tag? Our team of
Nutritionists will be happy to help you – just write to us
an email or use our chat!

Good to know

For whom would a RelaxAgil tag make sense?

Are you easily distracted even though you really need to concentrate on an important task? Do you have an important exam coming up at school or university? Or is it simply your private life that is demanding a lot from you and doesn't let you relax? Here you will find exactly what you need. Vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal functioning of your nervous system. Iron supports your cognitive function. Vitamin B1 and B12 also support mental function.

How exactly does RelaxAgil tag work?

RelaxAgil tag contains a valuable combination of B vitamins, iron and plant extracts. Vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and to a healthy energy metabolism. Vitamin B2 and B12, as well as iron, help to reduce tiredness and fatigue. Iron contributes to normal cognitive function and a healthy energy metabolism. Iron also ensures that your cells are optimally supplied with oxygen by supporting the formation of red blood cells and normal oxygen transport in the body. Vitamin B2 also helps to protect cells from oxidative stress.

How do I recognize stress?

Everyone knows the feeling of being stressed. But what is actually behind it? Stress is actually an alarm reaction of your body. A distinction is made between positive and negative stress. Positive stress can take the form of anticipation, enthusiasm or even falling in love. Negative stress can occur, for example, as pressure to perform or time pressure. Stress (especially negative stress) causes your immune system to shut down. This is the reason why many people get sick after a particularly stressful phase. However, everyone has their own stress tolerance. So you know best which situations you find stressful.

What should I watch out for while taking RelaxAgil tag?

When taking RelaxAgil tag, there are no things you should avoid. In general, however, it is advisable to adjust your diet while taking RelaxAgil tag. Take a look at the section “Should I change my diet at the same time?”. However, it is important that the recommended amount is not exceeded. AgilNature® products also contain piperine. There are a few tips to keep in mind: Notes on BioPerine

Should I change my diet at the same time?

Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. In general, it is always advisable to eat a balanced and varied diet. Especially in stressful times, we tend to prefer unhealthy, quick meals. But your body actually needs the exact opposite. Treat yourself to a break and cook your favorite meal. Make sure you eat a balanced and varied diet that consists of many different components. Take your time. Chew well and eat slowly. Drink a cup of tea or take a walk and take a deep breath. You will feel much better afterwards, I promise!

General information on dietary supplements

What are dietary supplements and what is special about AgilNature dietary supplements?

Legally speaking, food supplements are considered food. They contain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are also found in normal food. In food supplements, however, these substances are in concentrated form and usually in a higher dosage. Food supplements are available in various forms. There are tablets, capsules, powders, effervescent tablets or even liquids. Some food supplements also contain plant extracts.

The AgilNature nutritional supplements are developed in collaboration with nutritionists. The valuable formulations mostly consist of a mineral and vitamin complex combined with plant extracts and are specifically tailored to their functions. The formulation combines the latest scientific findings with tried and tested old wisdom. The carefully selected ingredients make the AgilNature products a valuable nutritional supplement. The AgilNature nutritional supplements are high-quality products that are developed and manufactured according to the strict guidelines of the AgilNature quality promise. By avoiding known allergens, chemical additives and genetically modified substances, a high level of tolerability is guaranteed. Out of ethical conviction, we avoid all animal raw materials. RelaxAgil tag is 100% vegan!

In our nutritional supplements, we use the power of nature in addition to the vitamin and mineral complexes in order to contribute holistically to maintaining health. Unfortunately, there is very strict regulation of the marketing of nutritional supplements in the EU. We are therefore hardly allowed to advertise the effects of certain plant substances. However, that does not mean that they cannot work. If you want to find out more about the effects of plant substances, then do your own research. You will be surprised at the power that plants have!

Why does my body need additional micronutrients?

Unfortunately, many people today do not have sufficiently filled micronutrient stores. This is mainly due to our lifestyle. Diet plays a big part in this. Currently, our diet often contains too much sugar and white flours as well as too much unhealthy fat and not enough fiber and plant-based food sources. If you want to refill your nutrient stores, make sure you eat a balanced and varied diet. But dietary supplements can also help you to fill up your reserves.

Are there any risks and side effects of dietary supplements? And what about the criticism of dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements are repeatedly criticized for leading to an overdose. Yes, dietary supplements may contain vitamins or minerals in higher concentrations than you would get from a normal diet. However, this does not immediately pose a risk of overdose. In fact, many people tend to have too few micronutrients in their stores.

Our body also has numerous sophisticated regulatory mechanisms, so that in many cases it only gets the nutrients from food that it really needs. However, it makes sense to have a blood analysis done by your family doctor before taking very highly concentrated food supplements in order to get an overview of your own storage and then be able to make a personalized selection of possible food supplements.

Sometimes dietary supplements are criticized for being potentially contaminated. However, our AgilNature quality promise guarantees dietary supplements that are free of known allergens, chemical additives and genetically modified substances. This means we can guarantee a high level of compatibility.

However, dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. The mere consumption of dietary supplements is often not enough to do something good for your body. If you want to get to the root of the reasons for your micronutrient deficiencies, you should start where you get most of your nutrients from: your diet. It is best to ensure a varied diet that contains many different types of fruit and vegetables, some whole grain products and few finished products and sweets. If you find this difficult, you can always get advice from various nutritionists: inside.

How do I recognize a micronutrient deficiency?

Recognizing a micronutrient deficiency is often not that easy. The body usually signals a deficiency with unspecific symptoms such as listlessness, tiredness or reduced stress tolerance. However, if massive deficiencies occur, they can manifest themselves in deficiency-related diseases. However, if you suspect this is the case with you, you should see a doctor.

However, most micronutrient deficiencies are not as severe. A good way to illustrate this is to compare people with gears that mesh and influence each other. If some gears are already a bit worn, the system no longer runs so smoothly. If some of your micronutrient stores are no longer so full, this has an impact on other processes in your body. So it makes sense to always fill your storage well. This can be achieved with a balanced and varied diet and possibly additional food supplements. A simple way to determine your micronutrient needs is to ask your doctor for an analysis of your micronutrient status.

Why would we advise you to take dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements are often criticized. But there are also many people who never want to do without dietary supplements again. Now who is right?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered unequivocally, but in the following lines we would like to give you a few reasons why we believe that the consumption of dietary supplements can be useful.

  1. Dietary supplements can help you to fill up certain nutrient deficiencies more quickly than a simple change in diet would do. Nevertheless, it makes sense to adjust your diet in parallel with the consumption of food supplements, because food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
  2. The AgilNature food supplements are also put together in such a way that they provide you with the best possible combination of minerals, vitamins and selected plant extracts for a specific goal.
  3. Are you vegan? Of course we're happy about that, because you're protecting the animals and our environment, but you should definitely supplement with vitamin B12. Unfortunately, vitamin B12 can only be found in foods of animal origin and cannot be produced by the body itself. It is therefore essential for you to take vitamin B12 as a dietary supplement or in fortified foods. Attention: Even vegetarians: Despite the consumption of milk and milk products as well as eggs, internal vitamin B12 levels are often too low. It is therefore advisable for both vegans and vegetarians to have their vitamin B12 status and other critical micronutrients such as iron checked by their family doctor on a regular basis.
  4. The desire for children is growing in you, but you don't want to do anything wrong when it comes to nutrition? Here you should pay particular attention to a sufficient intake or supplementation of folic acid and not just when you are already pregnant, but also when you are planning to become pregnant. However, we recommend that you inform yourself about this. You can either do this with your gynecologist or, even better, with a nutritionist: in.
  5. You probably already knew that the body can synthesize vitamin D independently through the skin. But do you also know that in winter it is almost impossible to get enough sun to produce vitamin D adequately due to the position of the sun in our latitudes? Here, too, we strongly recommend having your family doctor check your vitamin D status and supplementing with vitamin D if necessary.

Scientific findings on RelaxAgil tag

Sources, references & Studies - RelaxAgil tag


  1. Anghelescu, Ion-George et al. “Stress management and the role of Rhodiola rosea: a review.” International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice vol. 22.4 (2018): 242-252. doi:10.1080/13651501.2017.1417442
  2. Goes, Tiago Costa et al. “Effect of Lemongrass Aroma on Experimental Anxiety in Humans.” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY) vol. 21.12 (2015): 766-73. doi:10.1089/acm.2015.0099
  3. Murray-Kolb, Laura E. “Iron and brain functions.” Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care vol. 16.6 (2013): 703-7. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e3283653ef8
  4. Baltrusch S. The Role of Neurotropic B Vitamins in Nerve Regeneration. Biomed Res Int. 2021 Jul 13;2021:9968228. doi: 10.1155/2021/9968228. PMID: 34337067; PMCID: PMC8294980.
  5. Mahdavifar, Baharak et al. “Dietary intake of B vitamins and their association with depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms: A cross-sectional, population-based survey.” Journal of affective disorders vol. 288 (2021): 92-98. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2021.03.055
  6. Young LM, Pipingas A, White DJ, Gauci S, Scholey A. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of B Vitamin Supplementation on Depressive Symptoms, Anxiety, and Stress: Effects on Healthy and 'At-Risk' Individuals. Nutrients. 2019 Sep 16;11(9):2232. doi: 10.3390/nu11092232. PMID: 31527485; PMCID: PMC6770181.

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