

Your cure for intestinal health & well-being

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BioSeries™ Technology

Unterstützung des Verdauungssystems & Immunfunktion

Gluten Free

SynbioticAgil ist eines unserer Phasen Produkte:

  1. Phase 1: SynbioticAgil ist eine 10-tägige Bakterienkur. Ziel: Etablierung & Stärkung der Darmflora.
  2. Phase 2: ProtectAgil als stetiger Begleiter im Alltag. Langfristige Unterstützung & Erhaltung der Darmgesundheit.
Gluten Free

Inhalt: 60 Kapseln - 0,29€ pro Kapsel


Dauer: 10 Tage Kur




Recycle ・ Reuse ・ Reduce: Unsere Aluminiumdosen schonen Ressourcen: Sie sind leicht, zu 100% recycelbar und tragen zur Reduktion von Energieverbrauch und CO2-Emissionen bei der Produktion bei.

€17,99 EUR


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Can be combined with:

1 2 3

1. 4 High-quality bacterial cultures for a strong intestinal flora

SynbioticAgil contains a specially selected mixture of four proven bacterial strains : Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei and Bifidobacterium lactis . These are among the best researched probiotic cultures and actively support a healthy intestinal flora - for optimal balance and a strengthened immune system.

2. Prebiotic Power Cure with Inulin

The inulin base serves as a high-quality prebiotic and provides the good intestinal bacteria with important food. This combination of probiotics and prebiotics ensures an effective synergy and makes SynbioticAgil a powerful intestinal treatment - ideal for anyone who wants to specifically support their intestines.

3. Recyclable aluminum cans | Reduce・Reuse・Recycle

We package our nutritional supplements in high-quality aluminum cans because aluminum conserves natural resources. It is not only particularly light, but also up to 100% recyclable and reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions during packaging production. We have taken care to use the smallest possible can size so as not to waste material unnecessarily. This is also filled to the brim.


  • Lactobacillus paracasei

    Lactobacillus paracasei strengthens the immune system and can regulate inflammatory processes. Studies show that it can help with allergies such as hay fever by balancing immune reactions.
  • Bifidobacterium lactis

    Bifidobacterium lactis is a probiotic strain of bacteria that strengthens the intestinal flora, supports digestion and improves nutrient absorption. It can also support the immune system and maintain the balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestine.
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus

    Lactobacillus acidophilus supports the intestinal flora, promotes healthy digestion and strengthens the immune system. There is also evidence that it can have a positive effect on mental health and alleviate stress-related complaints.
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus survives even in the harsh gastrointestinal environment and actively protects the intestinal mucosa. It can prevent diarrhea, inhibit harmful bacteria and have a positive effect on allergies and immune reactions thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Inulin

    Inulin, a natural fiber from chicory roots, serves as food for good intestinal bacteria and promotes a balanced intestinal flora. It supports intestinal regularity, contributes to the formation of valuable fatty acids in the large intestine and can have a positive effect on blood sugar and satiety.
  • Silica

    Silica strengthens the intestinal wall, promotes intestinal health and, through its adsorbing properties, can help bind and excrete toxins.

Optimizing intestinal health in two phases: SynbioticAgil followed by ProtectAgil

For comprehensive and long-term support of your intestinal health, we also recommend using ProtectAgil after taking SynbioticAgil. This two-phase approach enables comprehensive support of intestinal health by first creating a strong foundation with SynbioticAgil and then providing long-term care and optimization of the intestinal microbiome with ProtectAgil.


Do you have questions about SynbioticAgil? Our team of
Nutritionists will be happy to help you – just write to us
an email or use our chat!

Good to know

Who is SynbioticAgil a good choice for?

It is particularly suitable for those who want to improve their digestive function, restore the intestinal flora after antibiotic therapy or generally improve their well-being. Since it uses vegan-friendly capsules, it is also suitable for vegans. People with digestive problems or an unbalanced intestinal microbiome could also benefit from SynbioticAgil.

What exactly is synbiotics?

A synbiotic is a combination of probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when taken in sufficient amounts, provide health benefits by improving the balance of gut flora. Prebiotics are substances used by these microorganisms and promote their growth or activity. Synbiotics combine both to optimize gut health by both providing beneficial bacteria and improving the conditions for their growth.

How do I recognize an unhealthy intestine?

An unhealthy gut can manifest itself through a variety of symptoms. Common digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation or heartburn are typical signs. An unbalanced microbiome can manifest itself through frequent infections, skin problems such as eczema or acne, fatigue, sleep disorders and mood swings. Food intolerances and allergies can also indicate gut problems. An unhealthy diet, stress and a lack of exercise can also negatively affect gut health. Synbiotic products that contain both probiotics and prebiotics can be helpful in such cases.

How exactly does SynbioticAgil work?

Synbiotics like SynbioticAgil work on a scientific level by combining probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics consist of live beneficial microorganisms that, once ingested, have a positive effect on the gut microbiome. They can improve intestinal barrier function and suppress pathogenic bacteria. Prebiotics are indigestible food components that selectively promote the growth and activity of one or more types of bacteria in the gut that are beneficial to health. The combination in synbiotics aims to both directly influence the microbiota and optimize the environment for these microorganisms.

What should I pay attention to while taking SynbioticAgil?

There are no things you should avoid when taking Synbiotic. In general, however, it is advisable to adjust your diet while taking SynbioticAgil. Please see the section “Should I change my diet at the same time?”. However, it is important that you do not exceed the recommended amount consumed.

Should I change my diet at the same time?

Taking probiotics in the morning on an empty stomach is most effective because the probiotic bacteria pass through the stomach more quickly and have less contact with stomach acid and digestive enzymes. It is reported that with this method of administration, about 90 percent of the bacteria reach the intestine within 30 minutes. In addition, the pH of the stomach varies throughout the day: it is less acidic in the morning before breakfast, during meals, and at night before bed, and more acidic after meals. If probiotics are taken with meals, those meals should be low in fat (about 1 percent fat), but not too high in fat or protein, as such foods cause increased secretion of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, which can attack the probiotic bacteria and reduce their numbers. A 2011 study confirmed these findings. She examined different times of intake and found that most probiotic strains arrived in the intestine undamaged when taken either shortly before meals (up to 30 minutes before) or directly during meals. The least probiotic bacteria reached the intestine when taken half an hour after meals. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. In general, it is always advisable to ensure a balanced and varied diet. Changing your diet can play an important role in maximizing the benefits of SynbioticAgil. A healthy diet rich in fiber, fermented foods and a variety of plant-based foods can support the effectiveness of these products. Fiber promotes the health of the gut microbiome and supports the function of probiotics and prebiotics. Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut contain natural probiotics that can have a positive effect on the microbiome. A varied diet that includes many different plants can help promote a rich and diverse intestinal flora.

General information on dietary supplements

What are dietary supplements and what is special about AgilNature dietary supplements?

Legally speaking, food supplements are considered food. They contain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are also found in normal food. In food supplements, however, these substances are in concentrated form and usually in a higher dosage. Food supplements are available in various forms. There are tablets, capsules, powders, effervescent tablets or even liquids. Some food supplements also contain plant extracts.

The AgilNature nutritional supplements are developed in collaboration with nutritionists. The valuable formulations mostly consist of a mineral and vitamin complex combined with plant extracts and are specifically tailored to their functions. The formulation combines the latest scientific findings with tried and tested old wisdom. The carefully selected ingredients make the AgilNature products a valuable nutritional supplement. The AgilNature nutritional supplements are high-quality products that are developed and manufactured according to the strict guidelines of the AgilNature quality promise. By avoiding known allergens, chemical additives and genetically modified substances, a high level of tolerability is guaranteed. Out of ethical conviction, we avoid all animal raw materials. SynbioticAgil is 100% vegan!

In our nutritional supplements, we use the power of nature in addition to the vitamin and mineral complexes in order to contribute holistically to maintaining health. Unfortunately, there is very strict regulation of the marketing of nutritional supplements in the EU. We are therefore hardly allowed to advertise the effects of certain plant substances. However, that does not mean that they cannot work. If you want to find out more about the effects of plant substances, then do your own research. You will be surprised at the power that plants have!

Why does my body need additional micronutrients?

Unfortunately, many people today do not have sufficiently filled micronutrient stores. This is mainly due to our lifestyle. Diet plays a big part in this. Currently, our diet often contains too much sugar and white flours as well as too much unhealthy fat and not enough fiber and plant-based food sources. If you want to refill your nutrient stores, make sure you eat a balanced and varied diet. But dietary supplements can also help you to fill up your reserves.

Are there any risks and side effects of dietary supplements? And what about the criticism of dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements are repeatedly criticized for leading to an overdose. Yes, dietary supplements may contain vitamins or minerals in higher concentrations than you would get from a normal diet. However, this does not immediately pose a risk of overdose. In fact, many people tend to have too few micronutrients in their stores.

Our body also has numerous sophisticated regulatory mechanisms, so that in many cases it only gets the nutrients from food that it really needs. However, it makes sense to have a blood analysis done by your family doctor before taking very highly concentrated food supplements in order to get an overview of your own storage and then be able to make a personalized selection of possible food supplements.

Sometimes dietary supplements are criticized for being potentially contaminated. However, our AgilNature quality promise guarantees dietary supplements that are free of known allergens, chemical additives and genetically modified substances. This means we can guarantee a high level of compatibility.

However, dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. The mere consumption of dietary supplements is often not enough to do something good for your body. If you want to get to the root of the reasons for your micronutrient deficiencies, you should start where you get most of your nutrients from: your diet. It is best to ensure a varied diet that contains many different types of fruit and vegetables, some whole grain products and few finished products and sweets. If you find this difficult, you can always get advice from various nutritionists: inside.

How do I recognize a micronutrient deficiency?

Recognizing a micronutrient deficiency is often not that easy. The body usually signals a deficiency with unspecific symptoms such as listlessness, tiredness or reduced stress tolerance. However, if massive deficiencies occur, they can manifest themselves in deficiency-related diseases. However, if you suspect this is the case with you, you should see a doctor.

However, most micronutrient deficiencies are not as severe. A good way to illustrate this is to compare people with gears that mesh and influence each other. If some gears are already a bit worn, the system no longer runs so smoothly. If some of your micronutrient stores are no longer so full, this has an impact on other processes in your body. So it makes sense to always fill your storage well. This can be achieved with a balanced and varied diet and possibly additional food supplements. A simple way to determine your micronutrient needs is to ask your doctor for an analysis of your micronutrient status.

Why would we advise you to take dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements are often criticized. But there are also many people who never want to do without dietary supplements again. Now who is right?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered unequivocally, but in the following lines we would like to give you a few reasons why we believe that the consumption of dietary supplements can be useful.

  1. Dietary supplements can help you to fill up certain nutrient deficiencies more quickly than a simple change in diet would do. Nevertheless, it makes sense to adjust your diet in parallel with the consumption of food supplements, because food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
  2. The AgilNature food supplements are also put together in such a way that they provide you with the best possible combination of minerals, vitamins and selected plant extracts for a specific goal.
  3. Are you vegan? Of course we're happy about that, because you're protecting the animals and our environment, but you should definitely supplement with vitamin B12. Unfortunately, vitamin B12 can only be found in foods of animal origin and cannot be produced by the body itself. It is therefore essential for you to take vitamin B12 as a dietary supplement or in fortified foods. Attention: Even vegetarians: Despite the consumption of milk and milk products as well as eggs, internal vitamin B12 levels are often too low. It is therefore advisable for both vegans and vegetarians to have their vitamin B12 status and other critical micronutrients such as iron checked by their family doctor on a regular basis.
  4. The desire for children is growing in you, but you don't want to do anything wrong when it comes to nutrition? Here you should pay particular attention to a sufficient intake or supplementation of folic acid and not just when you are already pregnant, but also when you are planning to become pregnant. However, we recommend that you inform yourself about this. You can either do this with your gynecologist or, even better, with a nutritionist: in.
  5. You probably already knew that the body can synthesize vitamin D independently through the skin. But do you also know that in winter it is almost impossible to get enough sun to produce vitamin D adequately due to the position of the sun in our latitudes? Here, too, we strongly recommend having your family doctor check your vitamin D status and supplementing with vitamin D if necessary.

Scientific findings on SynbioticAgil

Sources, Information & Sstudies - SynbioticAgil


  1. Qin, Yu-Qing et al. “Inulin: properties and health benefits.” Food & function vol. 14.7 2948-2968. April 3, 2023, doi:10.1039/d2fo01096h
  2. Muhammad Shoaib, Aamir Shehzad, Mukama Omar, Allah Rakha, Husnain Raza, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Azam Shakeel, Anum Ansari, Sobia Niazi, Inulin: Properties, health benefits and food applications, Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 147, 2016, Pages 444-454, ISSN 0144-8617,
  3. Un-Nisa, A., Khan, A., Zakria, M., Siraj, S., Ullah, S., Tipu, MK, Ikram, M., & Kim, MO (2022). Updates on the Role of Probiotics against Different Health Issues: Focus on Lactobacillus. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(1), 142.
  4. Shi, LH, Balakrishnan, K, Thiagarajah, K, Mohd Ismail, NI, & Yin, OS (2016). Beneficial Properties of Probiotics. Tropical life sciences research, 27(2), 73–90.
  5. Swanson KS, Gibson GR, Hutkins R, et al. The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on the definition and scope of synbiotics. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 17, 687–701 (2020).
  6. Krumbeck, Janina A et al. “Synbiotics for Improved Human Health: Recent Developments, Challenges, and Opportunities.” Annual review of food science and technology vol. 9 (2018): 451-479. doi:10.1146/annurev-food-030117-012757
  7. Krumbeck, JA, Rasmussen, HE, Hutkins, RW, Clarke, J., Shawron, K., Keshavarzian, A., & Walter, J. (2018). Probiotic Bifidobacterium strains and galactooligosaccharides improve intestinal barrier function in obese adults but show no synergism when used together as synbiotics. Microbiome, 6(1), 121.
  8. Wilkins, Thad, and Jacqueline Sequoia. “Probiotics for Gastrointestinal Conditions: A Summary of the Evidence.” American family physician vol. 96.3 (2017): 170-178.
  9. Li, Congxin et al. “The role of Lactobacillus in inflammatory bowel disease: from actualities to prospects.” Cell death discovery vol. 9.1 361. Sep 29 2023, doi:10.1038/s41420-023-01666-w
The development behind SynbioticAgil

Mina Safaei – Nutritionist

"Research into the microbiome and intestinal flora is still relatively young, but every day new scientific findings provide fascinating insights into the role of our intestinal bacteria. Studies already show that a healthy microbiome strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, supports mental health and can even reduce the risk of metabolic diseases. like magic that works in our body! With SynbioticAgil we have deliberately combined a variety of probiotic bacterial cultures to maximize their positive effects. But we don't just love our good intestinal bacteria - we also make sure that they are well cared for! That's why SynbioticAgil also contains prebiotics (inulin) to give them the optimal nutrition and to support a healthy intestinal flora in the long term."

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