Vitamin E AgilNature

Tocopherole (Vitamin E)


The term vitamin E refers to several fat-soluble compounds. These are also called tocopherols. The best known compound is alpha-tocopherol. In nature, only plants produce tocopherols. Vegetable oils and nuts in particular are good sources of vitamin E. Since animals can also absorb the vitamin through food, it is also found in butter and eggs, for example, although only in small quantities. The body stores the vitamin E it absorbs primarily in fatty tissue and the liver.  



Vitamin E - Protection for cells 

Like vitamin C, vitamin E also belongs to the group of antioxidants and is known as a free radical scavenger. Free radicals are aggressive oxygen compounds that arise from a variety of metabolic processes in the body and attack our cells. A lack of vitamin E can therefore promote cell damage. 

In the food industry, the antioxidant properties of tocopherol are used as an additive to stabilize desserts and oils, for example. 



Vitamin E – the most important task in brief  

  • Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative stress 



Your daily need for vitamin E 

The German Nutrition Society recommends that adults consume 11-15 mg of vitamin E per day, depending on age and gender. 



Which AgilNature products contain vitamin E?

Product ;Milligram *NRV
CarnitinAgil 6 mg per tablet 50%
* Nutrient Reference Value = Percentage of the reference value according to Appendix XIII of the Food Information Regulation (EC) No. 1169/2011.



  1. ERNA (2011), The European Responsible Nutrition Alliance: Facts about vitamins, minerals and other food components with health effects, pages 24-2
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