Magnesium in der Schwangerschaft - 5 Tipps AgilNature

Magnesium during pregnancy

The 5 best tips - Magnesium for pregnant women

Magnesium is involved in numerous processes in our body and is therefore indispensable for each of us. During pregnancy, the need for the mineral magnesium is higher than normal – albeit only slightly. In this article, you will learn 5 tips on what to consider when it comes to magnesium during pregnancy and how it can help you to feel good during this special time.



Magnesium requirements during pregnancy

The average magnesium requirement of women who are not pregnant is 300 mg per day and increases to 310 mg during pregnancy.

You may eat a particularly balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy, which makes a magnesium deficiency rather unlikely. However, the additional intake of magnesium during pregnancy makes sense if, for example, problems such as calf cramps, nausea, cravings, stress, and lack of sleep occur. 

Magnesium requirement during pregnancy
Many doctors also recommend taking magnesium supplements in addition to your normal diet if there are certain signs of complications, such as premature labor or toxemia during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia). 

Signs of magnesium deficiency in pregnant women can include:

  • leg crampstension , and muscle twitching (z.B. Lidzucken)
  • nervousness, inner unrest, listlessness
  • tachycardia
  • headache, difficulty concentrating
  • light irritability, depressive upset
  • food cravingsnausea
  • digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea
  • strong Sweat (in summer)

Here are the 5 best tips on how magnesium can help you feel really good during your pregnancy


Tip #1:
Magnesium for food cravings


Not only during pregnancy, each of us has had a ravenous hunger attack on a very specific food. 
However, this is more common during pregnancy because your body has a higher need for certain vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. A fun example is pregnant women's cravings for pickles with chocolate cream. 

But why is it that your body develops such strange cravings during pregnancy, even for foods that you may not have liked so much before?

This is because your hormonal balance changes during pregnancy. This can mess up your metabolism, leading to erratic and often low blood sugar levels. This encourages food cravings, mostly for unhealthy things with a lot of sugar. For example, if you have a strong desire for chocolate, this can indicate a lack of magnesium. Because the body may then demand the magnesium contained in the cocoa and not the chocolate itself. A magnesium-rich diet can save you from some food cravings.


Tip #2:
Magnesium for tension and calf cramps

Do you also suffer from annoying nocturnal calf cramps during your pregnancy? In many women, these symptoms usually only appear in the second half of pregnancy, but you can prevent this by making sure you are getting enough magnesium. Since these leg cramps mainly occur at night, our tip for you is that you eat a magnesium-rich meal in the evening or take a magnesium supplement.
If you still have calf cramps at night, it can help to put your legs up. Exercising, stretching, and massaging your legs can also help relieve your leg muscles.

Tip #3:
Do not take magnesium together with iron supplements

During pregnancy, you also have an increased need for iron (30 mg per day for pregnant women), which is why your gynecologist may have prescribed you an iron supplement. But make sure that you never take iron supplements at the same time as magnesium - whether through food or dietary supplements. Because iron and magnesium prevent each other from being absorbed into the body. It is best to keep at least 2 hours between taking iron and magnesium.

Tip #4:
Magnesium for insomnia

Many people suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep problems are one of the most common pregnancy complaints, especially during pregnancy. The hormones are to blame for this. But your body needs a lot of rest, especially in this phase, because too much stress during pregnancy is not good for the health of the mother and baby.
Getting enough sleep helps reduce stress. In addition to a comfortable sleeping position (it is recommended to sleep on your left side), your diet can also help you fall asleep and sleep through the night better. If annoying muscle and calf cramps keep you up at night, you already know that taking magnesium can counteract this. But magnesium has another benefit that helps you sleep. Magnesium can inhibit the release of stress hormones and thus have a positive effect on your sleep. Several studies have shown that participants who were adequately supplied with magnesium were able to fall asleep and stay asleep significantly better than those who were diagnosed with magnesium deficiency. 

Tip #5:
For digestive problems - take magnesium throughout the day

Many pregnant women suffer from digestive problems during their pregnancy. This is completely normal and partly due to hormones. On the other hand, the physiological changes in your body can also contribute to your suffering from digestive problems. The hormone progesterone, which is very important for your baby, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, has an impact on your bowel movements, which manifests itself in uncomfortable constipation.
In addition, the internal organs make room for your child during pregnancy and are compressed more and more as your child grows. If you also take iron supplements, these also promote constipation. Here you can take advantage of the slightly laxative properties of magnesium. Make sure you only consume a small amount of magnesium and slowly test how much helps you with your digestive problems. If a high magnesium dosage has a too strong laxative effect on you, you can counteract this by consuming smaller amounts of magnesium throughout the day. 
Double positive effect: good for your nerves during the day and good for calf cramps in the evening/at night. This way your body can absorb the magnesium better. Excess magnesium would otherwise only be excreted unused, which would be a shame. Therefore, overdosed preparations that you cannot dose correctly are not recommended. MagnesiumAgil has a breaking notch, which makes it easy to take twice.

Additional tip:
Magnesium and B vitamins for stress

Home Office? Home Schooling? Pregnancy? This can sometimes become too much and the body then expresses it through the typical stress symptoms such as headaches, concentration problems, and sleep disorders. If you are familiar with these problems, especially during your pregnancy, try eating foods containing magnesium in the morning and in the evening. We recommend cutting a banana into your muesli in the morning and trying a handful of nuts in the evening.
To also strengthen your nerves, you should also take in enough B vitamins - which are not called nerve vitamins for nothing. MagnesiumAgil, therefore, contains not only magnesium but also the important  Nerve vitamins B1B6, and B12 and provides you with a complete solution, so to speak.
Do your hormones sometimes go haywire during pregnancy? Are you easily irritable? Or do you sometimes have depressive phases? Then this can be a sign that your body is deficient in Vitamin B1  (Thiamin)  hat. Poor memory, which often occurs during pregnancy, can also be a sign of this. For babies, an adequate supply of vitamin B1 (thiamine) is important for the development of the nervous system. The requirement for vitamin B1 in pregnant women is 1.2 – 1.3 mg per day.
Clinical studies have shown that above all Vitamin B6 can help to significantly reduce morning sickness. After a few days, the nausea decreased significantly in the women who were supplemented with vitamin B6. The recommended daily dose for pregnant women is between 1.5 and 1.8 mg per day.
Vitamin B12 is a very useful supplement, especially for pregnant women who eat vegan. Avoiding animal products can entail risks during pregnancy if your body and thus your baby does not get enough of this vitamin. Vitamin B12 is mainly found in eggs, milk, and meat. Vegans, therefore, have a higher risk of suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. The daily requirement of a pregnant woman is 4.5 μg per day.
Vitamins B1 + B6 + B12 help you
feel good about your pregnancy.
With MagnesiumAgil you have a high-quality magnesium that you can dose yourself thanks to the practical score line. It is also perfectly combined with the B vitamins B1, B6, and B12.
Thank you for taking the time to address this important topic for you and your baby.
If you would like to take additional magnesium during your pregnancy,
you can find it here MagnesiumAgil

MagnesiumAgil - with magnesium, folic acid, and B vitamins

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