The 5 best tips - magnesium for hobby and recreational athletes:
To begin with, an exciting question for you: Do you ever take a magnesium tablet before you go jogging, cycling or going on a long hike?
Many athletes do this as a matter of course, on the one hand to avoid annoying muscle cramps during sport and on the other hand to avoid sore muscles the next day. But what are the actual benefits of magnesium for your body, muscle activity and muscle recovery? Do you really need an additional intake of magnesium when exercising?
In this article you will find out why magnesium is so important for your body and muscles during sport and what you should consider when taking magnesium.
We will give you 5 valuable tips on how to best use magnesium for you and your body and what you should definitely pay attention to!
At the end of the day, you will know how you can use magnesium to optimally prepare your body for physical activity. You will also find out how you can get him to perform continuously during sport and support him in regeneration after sport. You use magnesium much more consciously afterwards, because you know how it can really help you in sports. And you don't just take magnesium because everyone does it.
First, let's start with some basic information about the mineral magnesium so that you are well prepared:
Magnesium requirement in general
Magnesium requirement during sport
What do you want to achieve for yourself as an athlete by taking magnesium?
- Avoid magnesium for muscle and calf cramps during exercise
- Avoid magnesium for sore muscles after exercise
- Keep magnesium consistently high for muscle activity and muscle performance during exercise
- Magnesium for accelerating muscle recovery after exercise
Here are the 5 best tips on how you can use magnesium optimally as an athlete.
Tip #1:
Take magnesium continuously (not just before or just after exercise)