The 5 best tips - Magnesium in a vegan diet
Have you decided to go vegan? Whether for ethical or health reasons, or because you just don't like meat and dairy products?
In this article you will learn how important magnesium is in a vegan diet and what you absolutely at the preparation foods containing magnesium and the consumption foods containing magnesium should be considered.
Magnesium is vital for us, but our body cannot produce it itself. Magnesium must therefore be ingested through daily food. Depending on age, gender and life situation, the requirement is between 300 and 400 mg magnesium per day.
In this article you will learn 5 valuable tips that you really should know about magnesium in a vegan diet:
Tip #1:
Plant-based alternatives are good sources of magnesium
The values in the table are average values. You can never say exactly how much magnesium is in a product. With plant-based foods, it depends very much on how the plant was cultivated and the growing conditions. Unfortunately, conventionally grown fruit and vegetables today have far fewer nutrients than they did 20, 30 or 50 years ago. This is because the plants were bred for fast, high-yielding growth. In addition, they are often harvested far too early, i.e. often unripe. This in turn means that they have not yet been able to form all the vitamins and minerals. Fertilization with artificial fertilizers and monocultures also mean that the plants can form fewer nutrients in the fruit. Our beloved tomatoes are a great example of this: sun-ripened tomatoes from our own garden, which may have grown on our own compost soil, taste much more intense and much more like tomatoes than the normal, conventional tomatoes from the discounter. Therefore, it is better to reach for organic foods, because they often contain more nutrients than their conventional counterparts.
Tip #2:
Use your cooking water cleverly
Tip #3:
Caution: Many magnesium supplements are not vegan!
Is my Magnesium supplement really vegan?