There is a lot to know about this vegetable that can be found in numerous dishes and is well known. The tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) was previously known as the love apple, paradise apple or golden apple. However, its current name is derived from the Aztec language, in which the plant is called xītomatl. The plant originally comes from Central and South America, where it was cultivated by the Mayans and other peoples as early as 200 BC. It only came to Europe after the conquest of Central and South America at the beginning of the 16th century. In addition to the most common red variety, there are countless others, from yellow to black. The world of tomatoes is rich in varieties and colors, from the well-known red round ones to unusual varieties such as purple, striped or small berry tomatoes. Breeders are constantly working on developing new varieties that impress not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of disease resistance and yield.
The tomato consists mainly of water, up to 95%. However, it contains numerous vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E, niacin, healthy secondary plant substances as well as minerals, especially potassium and trace elements. The highest of these is the vitamin C content, which can cover up to 17% of the daily requirement with 100 g of tomato. Many of the substances contained, such as phenols and flavonoids, are known to have many different properties such as antioxidant, antidepressant, blood pressure lowering, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties. Lycopene and α-tomatin are also notable components. The former has been observed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity by regulating fat metabolism. The latter has been shown in experiments to be effective against prostate cancer.
It is therefore obvious that tomato extract may have a positive effect on health. This has led to the development of a special tomato extract called “Fruitflow” that is available on the market and which we also use in our products.
Several studies examining the tomato extract “Fruitflow” observed a reduced platelet aggregation in humans, which could clog blood vessels. Therefore, current science suggests that with sufficient supplementation, the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis can be reduced, as it reduces the risk of platelet accumulation in the blood vessels.
Although tomatoes offer many health benefits, people with certain allergies or health conditions should exercise caution. In particular, if you have a known allergy to nightshades, histamine intolerance, or reflux disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor
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