
Magnesium AgilNature

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals. Everyone needs magnesium to maintain their performance and for the smooth "functioning" of their body. Therefore, the body must be supplied with sufficient amounts of magnesium every day in order to prevent a deficiency. Magnesium is found 60% in the skeleton and 30% in the muscles; only around 1% is dissolved in the blood (1). A lack of high quality magnesium affects the whole body due to the diverse effects of the mineral. Magnesium influences a total of over 300 enzymes and in this way influences the Cell regeneration, oxygen utilization and energy generation. Magnesium also stabilizes biological membranes.



Magnesium - important mineral for muscles and heart

Magnesium is required for muscle building and function and is needed to control muscle contraction. An adequate supply is therefore necessary for the smooth functioning of all muscles, including the heart muscle. Energy is stored in the muscle cell in a chemical compound, ATP (adenosine triphosphate), and used when needed. For this, our body needs magnesium, which combines with the ATP to form an active complex and only then enables the muscles to perform. Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and normal muscle function. Magnesium is needed for both muscle contraction and muscle relaxation (2). Research shows that the mineral magnesium can help prevent muscle and calf cramps (2).



Magnesium calms the nerves

Magnesium calms the nervous system, which is why it is also known as an anti-stress mineral . Magnesium insulates the transmission of impulses in the nerves that cause stress. Magnesium also inhibits the release of stress hormones. In order to be able to deal with stress better, a good supply of magnesium is helpful. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the psyche.



Your daily magnesium requirement

The German Society for Nutrition recommends a daily intake of 350 mg for men and 300 mg for women. Adolescents and adults under the age of 25 should take 310 mg to 400 mg of magnesium daily. At elevated physical exertion associated with a high loss of sweat or under stress can he Magnesiumbedarf clear elevated be.


Good suppliers for high quality magnesium are whole grain products, milk and milk products, liver, poultry, fish, potatoes, many types of vegetables, soybeans and soft fruits, oranges and bananas (1).



Which AgilNature® products contain magnesium?

Product milligram * NRV
MagnesiumAgil 400mg pro Tablet 107%
FemAgil 37.5 mg per capsule 10%
CardioAgil 18.75 mg per capsule 5%


*Nutrient Reference Value = Percentage of the reference value according to Annex XIII of the Food Information Regulation (EG) No. 1169/2011.



  1. German Society for Nutrition (DGE), reference values for nutrient intake (2001): p. 169ff
  2. ERNA (2011), The European Responsible Nutrition Alliance: Facts about vitamins, minerals  and other food components with health effects, Seiten 40-43
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