Litsea organic 10 ml
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Litsea organic 10 ml
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Productdetails & characteristics
Contents: 10 ml 100% natural essential oil - 1 ml corresponds to approx. 25 drops
Characteristics: Litsea essential oil is an easily mobile, light yellow liquid. It has an intense, sweet, fresh, lemony scent with a light floral aroma. It is assigned to the top notes in terms of duration, intensity and effect. The oil dissolves easily in alcohol (1:3, 70%, ethanol), vegetable oils and other essential oils. It is almost insoluble in water. The natural components of the pure essential oil include citral, limonene, citronellol, geraniol and others
Ingredients: The natural components of the pure essential oil include citral, limonene, citronellol, geraniol
Item number: 11001/312010
German pharmaceutical central number (PZN): 11305719
Litsea essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for infections, colds and flu, as well as for upset stomachs and motion sickness. Therapists use the anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties to strengthen the digestive tract in cases of flatulence, gastritis or inflammation of the small and large intestine.
Litsea essential oil is assigned the following properties in the specialist literature
- antiviral
- antibacterial
- anti-asthmatic
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-diabetic
- Promotes blood circulation
- Stimulates the stomach and relieves stomach bloating
- pain relieving
Litsea essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the berries, leaves and bark of the plant ( Litsea cubeba) .
Pay attention to the hazard warnings on the label. The bottle is equipped with a child-proof cap and vertical dropper. To dose the essential oil, hold the head of the bottle vertically downwards so that you can then count the individual drops. After opening for the first time, depending on the consistency of the oil, it may take some time until the first drops appear. Attention: Essential oils are concentrates that may only be used diluted! Some of the ingredients in Litsea essential oil are considered to pose a health risk when applied to the skin or ingested. It contains potentially allergenic components such as citral, limonene, citronellol and geraniol. These can cause skin irritation in sensitive people. Litsea essential oil is not suitable for internal use in pregnant women, infants and young children.
Packaging & Storage
Packaging: In light-protected blue glass bottles with child-resistant closures
Storage: Store the bottle away from light at temperatures of 15 to 22 °C and away from children.
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General questions about essential oils
We have answered 4 general questions about essential oils for you.
What makes our essential oils special?
- 100% natural: Our oils have no added synthetic substances or other oils.
- Organic and sustainable: We only use concentrates from plants from controlled organic cultivation (kbA).
- Genuine & authentic: The oil is unchanged, natural and only obtained from the specified parent plant according to the botanical name.
- Natural effect and versatile: There are numerous possible uses and scent combinations that you can mix yourself. With our essential oils you can feel good in a healthy atmosphere at home, in the office and on the go
- Good quality at a fair price: Since our oils contain 10 ml per bottle, we are significantly cheaper than the competition, which often only offers 5 ml per bottle.
Why should you try essential oils?
Essential oils are a good and healthy alternative to room sprays containing chemicals and artificial fragrances. Essential oils are a healthy way to create a pleasant scent in your home, office, or wherever you are. Essential oils also have a pleasant effect and, depending on the note and scent, can help you relax or concentrate, have a calming or comforting effect, or can be refreshing, invigorating and activating. The varied scents and multiple possible uses can increase your well-being and be a nice addition to your everyday life. Just try it out and let us convince you!
How can aromas affect the body?
Aromas can affect your body in several ways. The obvious way to detect aromas is through the nose: the olfactory nerves pass the signal on to the brain and can thus influence moods. Another mode of action is through the skin. The molecules of essential oils can pass through cell membranes and the skin and thus reach the tissue and blood. They are also able to influence an effect in the body via this route. A third mode of action is through the stomach: When we eat spices such as peppermint or thyme that contain essential oils, they reach the stomach and develop their effect this way.
Are there risks and side effects with essential oils? And what's the truth about the criticism of aroma therapy?
Essential oils should only be used diluted, as high concentrations can lead to headaches and allergic reactions. Since essential oils have a wide range of effects (strong substances with powerful effects), they should be used carefully. Aromatherapy is a holistic form of therapy for the body and soul. It is difficult to evaluate the therapy scientifically. Sensory and emotional impressions triggered by the oils cannot be objectified.
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Sources, Notes & Studies - Litsea
- De-Gang Kong, Yu Zhao, Guo-Hui Li, Bang-Jiao Chen, Xiao-Ning Wang, Hong-Lei Zhou, Hong-Xiang Lou, Dong-Mei Ren, Tao Shen, The genusLitsea in traditional Chinese medicine: An ethnomedical , phytochemical and pharmacological review, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 164, 2015, Pages 256-264
- J. Thielmann & P. Muranyi (2019) Review on the chemical composition of Litseacube ba essential oils and the bioactivity of its major constituents citral and limonene, Journal of Essential Oil Research, 31: 5, 361-378
- Xiao-Wei Huang, Yun-Chao Feng, Yi Huang & Hai-Ling Li(2013) Potential cosmetic application of essential oil extracted from Litseacube bafruits from China, Journal of Essential Oil Research, 25:2, 112-119
- Kamle, M.; Mahato, D.K.; Lee, K.E.; Bajpai, VK; Gajurel, PR; Gu, KS; Kumar, P. Ethnopharmacological Properties and Medicinal Uses of Litseacubeba . Plants 2019, 8 , 150.
- H.Wang;Y.Liu, Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of Litseacubeba. Chemistry and Biodiversity,7(2010), pp.229-235
- Chaiyasut, C., Sivamaruthi, BS, Wongwan, J., Thiwan, K., Rungseevijitprapa, W., Klunklin, A., & Kunaviktikul, W. (2020). EffectsofLitseacubeba(Lour.) Persoon Essential Oil Aromatherapy on Mood States and Salivary Cortisol Levels in Healthy Volunteers.Evidence-basedcomplementary and alternative medicine : eCAM,2020, 4389239. (Reducing salivary cortisol and stress)
- Tisserand, R., & Young, R. (2014). Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals. Churchill Livingstone.
- Study: Kim, SS, Han, SM, & Kim, HW (2021). Anxiolytic and antidepressant-like effects of Litsea cubeba essential oil in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 281, 114525.