Guar beans
Origin and history :
Guar beans ( Cyamopsis tetragonoloba ) , also known as guar , belongs to the legume family and is thought to have originated in Central Africa or India. It is now mainly cultivated in India. Guar beans can be eaten as a vegetable, but are also used as animal feed or for regenerating soil after harvest. The plant grows up to 2 meters tall and produces approximately 10 cm long, multi- seeded legumes that are used to produce guar gum.
Characteristics :
Guar gum is made from the seeds of the guar bean and is used as a natural thickener in cosmetics , food and medicinal products that is biodegradable . As an additive, it is also known under the number E 412. The protein-rich germs used consist largely of galactomannan , a polysaccharide made up of a chain of mannose with galactose molecules attached to the sides . Galaktomann has a high hydrogen binding capacity, which leads to thickening through water binding. Therefore, guar gum is also used in industry as a thickener or stabilizer.
Other applications
Guar is of particular interest to the pharmaceutical industry, where the plant is being studied in the context of targeted drug delivery in the body. It is hoped that guar will improve the efficiency and localization of some drugs by improving the bioavailability of the active ingredients . This also includes its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels and promote digestive health through its high fiber content. The role of guar gum in weight regulation through the feeling of satiety is also worth mentioning .
Possible applications for the environment
Guar can also be of interest to the environment . Water pollution such as paint residues and heavy metals are common and pose a danger to humans and the environment. Therefore, methods for water purification are urgently needed. One of the possible substances being investigated for water purification is guar , as bind these heavy metal ions and other contaminants can , as well as have an antibacterial effect and could also eliminate dangerous microorganisms in the water.
Possible side effects
Guar gum is suspected of promoting the development of allergies and of triggering allergic reactions itself. Cross-allergies can occur in people who are allergic to soy.
Since we cannot fully digest and absorb guar gum ourselves, but our intestinal bacteria break it down, gas is formed. Consuming large amounts can therefore lead to flatulence and abdominal cramps.
Because of its high swelling capacity and the resulting increased risk of damage to the stomach and intestines, as well as the esophagus, guar gum should always be consumed with sufficient liquid.
Which AgilNature ® products contain Guar gum ?
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ProteinAgil |
* Nutrient Reference Value = percentage of the reference value according to Annex XIII of the Food Information Regulation (EC) No 1169/2011.
** No recommendation available.
Literature :
Mudgil , D.; Barak, S.; Khatkar , B.S. (2011). " Guar gum : Processing, properties and food applications —A Review". Journal of Food Science and Technology. 51 (3): 409–18.
412 Guar gum – Additives Online. https://www.zusatzstoffe-online.de/zusatzstoffe/412-guarkernmehl/ (accessed on February 15, 2024)
Amjed N, Zeshan M, Farooq A, Naz S. Applications of guar gum polysaccharides for pharmaceutical drug delivery : A review. Int J Biol Macromol . 2024 Feb;257(Pt 1):128390.
Garg SS, Gupta J. Guar gum-based nanoformulations : Implications for improving drug delivery . Int J Biol Macromol . 2023 Feb 28;229:476 -485.
Mandal S, Hwang S, Shi SQ. Guar gum , a low-cost sustainable biopolymer, for wastewater treatment : A review. Int J Biol Macromol . 2023 Jan 31;226:368 -382.
Saya L, Malik V, Singh A, Singh S, Gambhir G, Singh WR, Chandra R, Hooda S. Guar gum based nanocomposites : Role in water purification through efficient removal of dyes and metal ions . Carbohydr Polym . 2021 Jun 1;261:117851 .
Mohammad Javad Alaeian , Sanaz Pourreza , Mohsen Yousefi , Elnaz Golalipour , Leila Setayesh , Mohammad Zeinali Khosroshahi , Reza Bagheri, Damoon Ashtary-Larky , Alexei Wong, Mohammad Zamani, Omid Asbaghi , The effects of guar gum supplementation on glycemic control , body mass and blood pressure in adults : A GRADE- assessed systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials , Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Volume 199, 2023, 110604, ISSN 0168-8227.